
To advance the state-of-the-art in thermal energy conversion technologies through excellence in research, technology and human resource development, and innovation based on synergistic collaborations with other research institutions, industry, professional associations and funding agencies at national and international levels.


Research and Technology Development

To have an impact at the global level through our research and technology development through synergistic collaborations with international research institutions and dissemination of our work through international peer-reviewed publications with a preference given to Gold Standard Open Access outlets.

Industrial Collaboration and Innovation

To develop and exploit innovative technologies at the national and international levels through synergistic collaborations with industry, technology transfer offices, technology incubators and similar vehicles to foster innovation.

Human Resource Development

To develop the next generation of researchers as demonstrated by our research group being a destination for bright young researchers due to the opportunities we offer and our current members being sought-after by other groups both nationally and internationally due to the knowledge, skills and expertise they possess.

Our Definition for Sustainable Energy Technologies

Sustainable Energy Technologies result in a dynamic equilibrium among evolving societal needs and changing economic and environmental constraints. We see continuous Research, Technology and Human Resource Development and Innovation as the foundation for these technologies, where each new generation of technologies is expected to have improved economic, social and environmental performance. Additionally, we define Sustainable Energy Technologies in a holistic manner that encompasses not only energy conversion technologies, but also energy efficiency, management, and storage technologies.